Seitz: 88. Genus: Psycliophasma Btlr. One medium-sized species with hyaline wings, described as Halisidota, was placed into this genus and is at once discernible by the different contours of the apical part of the forewing, where the border is gnawed out below the apex, which process is repeated, though in a less degree, above the middle of the border. This is the case in both sexes and is accompanied by a somewhat deviating course of the subcostal veins. The species is widely distributed and nearly everywhere common. Ps. erosa H.-Schdff. (= albidator Wlcr., vitripennis Wlcr.) (49 b). Wings hyaline, only the margins and veins in the forewing ochreous-yellow, marked blackish-brown; particularly conspicuous is a blackish- brown costal spot above the middle of the cell. Numerous small dots between it and the base of the wing, 2 black parallel streaks above the distal half of the proximal margin and brown bordering of the distal-marginal part below the apex, particularly at the excised place. From Mexico through Central America and Brazil to Peru, nearly everywhere common.